
Receptive Skills


Heng thiamna te hi a chang chuan passive skills tia hriat a ni. Thusawi leh ziak thiamna productive emaw active emaw nen khaikhin theih a ni.

Receptive skills chu ngaihthlak leh chhiar a ni a, a chhan chu zirlaiten hengte ti tur hian tawng chhuah a ngai lo va, an ngaithla a, an hrethiam bawk. Heng thiamna te hi a chang chuan passive skills tia hriat a ni. Thusawi leh ziak thiamna productive emaw active emaw nen khaikhin theih a ni.

Author   :ZoBoy
Format   :Digital
Year     :2023
Pages    :6
Publisher:MZZB Publishers
Language :Mizo


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